Mums Choice Bamboo Anti Dust Mite High Density Foam Mattress With Holes Suitable for Baby Cot Playard / Playpen

Mums Choice

$39.00 $39.00
SKU: MC20293
Available for pre-order

Baby Gallery Bamboo Anti Dust Mite High Density Foam Mattress With Holes Suitable for Baby Cot Playard / Playpen
Mattress Features And Benefits
Specially formulated to reduce dust mite colonies, reduce proliferation and re-infestation
Environmentally friendly
Bamboo cover and Breathable Holes provide for better air ventilation

Made in Singapore

Comfy Baby® Purotex Supreme Mattress

-100% Natural Probictics
-Natural Bamboo Fiber Cover
-Waterproof Mattress Protection
-Protection against Dust Mite Allergies
-Extra Soft and Very Absorbent

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